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Skáldleg sagnfræði.

Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson
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Saga: Tímarit Sögufélags 1996 XXXIV
Í greininni er spurt hvað aðskilji sagnfræði frá sögulegum skáldskap, einkum í ljósi þeirrar afstæðishyggju sem hefur einkennt söguspeki síðari hluta tuttugustu aldar. Til að skýra vandamálið er hugmynd Aristótelesar um greinarmun skálds og sagnfræðings lögð til grundvallar. Spurt er hvort vandræðahugmyndin um „sögulegar staðreyndir“ skipti ekki enn sköpum fyrir þennan greinarmun. Enn er spurt hvort afstæðishyggjan hafi gert sagnfræðingum kleift að skilja söguritun sína dýpri skilningi.
What criterion fulfils the function of differentiating historical fiction from historiography understood as the academic mode of writing history? In the light of twentieth century historical relativism, whether conceived in the classical manner of Carl Becker or the rhetorical of Hayden White, the distinction between fiction and history seems to grow faint. The notion of 'historical facts' still seems to offer a clear criterion, despite the problematics attached to that notion. What relativism seems to have achieved is analyzing the problematics, and, apart from offering various solutions, creating a debate on what constitutes an historical narrative, thereby heightening historians' awareness of the difficulties inherent in their task, and, perhaps, opening up new venues for historical writing.